Wednesday, June 9, 2010

How much is that liberal arts degree worth in the job market?

On Drudge yesterday, there was a link to an interesting article in the Washington Examiner which repeated a recurring theme lately; that higher education may be the next bubble to burst.

With family finances tight, loans getting harder to come by, and everyone wary of taking on more debt, it seems that those college bound students and their parents are starting to scrutinize whether spending $200,000 on a bachelors in religious and women's studies makes any kind of sense considering the likelihood that the degree will likely never translate into a job that will pay off that kind of exorbitant debt.

What should today's middle school, high school, and college students do? Think about what they really like to do, but then start going for targeted technical education in that area. You'll spend less, and most likely be more employable.

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